
Az ISO TC 211 legfrissebb hírei

Az UNSDI és CEOS WGISS csatornán a HUNAGI-hoz érkezett fontos hírek a szabványosítás világából:
"Dear colleagues,
After a relatively long silence, please find below some relevant documents I selected from the regular ISO notices received in the past months. Sorry for the amounts below (33 documents selected...), given the long period that has passed since I last sent such a summary to you! Copied are both the UNGIWG and the CEOS/WGISS groups. As usual, please forward any comment or request for specific documents to me for any follow up as liaison, or contact me to receive the password to the site in case you need access to multiple documents on a regular basis. Passwords change every few months, so make sure you keep in touch with your liaison person! The TC211 web page is available at http://www.isotc211.org/, and certain pages, including the work programme, can be accessed without the need for a password. The complete document register is also available under http://www.isotc211.org/docreg/sok?action=docreg1 The document records forwarded below (from latest dated ones on top of the list...) are mostly from the period after the last TC211 meeting that took place mid-November 2006 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and most are still open for comments, if you are interested to contribute. Some other documents are interesting for reference purposes too, such as the different liaison reports, or the recent Inspire metadata draft implementing rules. Best regards and happy reading!Lorant------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Lorant CzaranReliefWeb Map Centre ManagerOffice for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)United Nations, One UN Plaza, Room DC1-1372New York, NY - 10017, U.S.A.tel.: +1 917 367 2467 , fax: +1 212 963 1040e-mail: czaran@un.orghttp://www.reliefweb.int/
Newly-published Standards and final Drafts (at the ISO Secretariat): - ISO 19134 Geographic information -- Location-based services – Multimodal routing and navigation - ISO/DIS 19141 Geographic information - Schema for moving features (Due date: 2007-06-22) - ISO/FDIS 19131 Geographic information - Data product specifications (Due date: 2007-03-16) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2163 02. Document date: 2007-02-16 05. Title: New work item proposal: Geographic information — Ontology (stage 0) 07. Expected action: P-members are requested to complete and return the ballot form and any comments to the ISO/TC 211 secretariat. Liaison members are invited to submit comments and nominate experts. 08. Due date: 2007-05-16 14. Number of pages: 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2160 02. Document date: 2007-02-06 05. Title: Inspire: Draft Implementing Rules for Metadata (D1.3) 06. Source: European Commission Joint Research Centre 07. Expected action: The first consultation with Spatial Data Interest Communities (SDICs) and Legally Mandated Organizations has started. This consultation regards the INSPIRE draft Implementing Rules on Metadata. ISO/TC 211 is an INSPIRE SDIC, and is invited to submit comments. Any comments should be forwarded to the secretariat no later than 2007-03-15. 08. Due date: 2007-03-15 09. Type of document: Document for comments from liaison organization 11. Note: The document is available at http://www.ec-gis.org/inspire/reports/ImplementingRules/draftINSPIREMetadataIRv2_20070202.pdf 14. Number of pages: 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2161 02. Document date: 2007-02-06 05. Title: Software for Distributed Metadata Catalogue Services to Support the EU Portal 06. Source: European Commission Joint Research Centre 11. Note: The document is submitted by JRC as a reference document for ISO/TC 211 for consideration in connection with the work on catalogue services ad ebXML RIM. 14. Number of pages: 61 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2153 02. Document date: 2007-01-29 04. ISO ref. no. 19132 05. Title: Text for ISO 19132 Geographic information – Location-based services - Reference model, as sent to the ISO Central Secretariat for publication 06. Source: ISO/TC 211 Secretariat 14. Number of pages: 103 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2155 02. Document date: 2007-01-30 04. ISO ref. no. 19144-1 05. Title: CD 19144-1, Geographic information – Classification Systems - Part 1: Classification system structure 07. Expected action: P-members are asked to please return their vote on this committee draft to the secretariat no later than 2007-04-30. Liaison members are invited to submit comments. 08. Due date: 2007-04-30 13. Reference: N 2154 14. Number of pages: 35 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2157 02. Document date: 2007-01-30 04. ISO ref. no. 19144-2 05. Title: CD 19144-2, Geographic information – Classification Systems - Part 2: Land Cover Classification System LCCS Conceptual Basis and Registration of Classifiers 07. Expected action: P-members are asked to please return their vote on this committee draft to the secretariat no later than 2007-04-30. Liaison members are invited to submit comments. 08. Due date: 2007-04-30 13. Reference: N 2156 14. Number of pages: 99 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2158 02. Document date: 2007-01-30 05. Title: New work item proposal, Geographic information – Rights expression language for geographic information — GeoREL 06. Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. 07. Expected action: P-members are requested to complete and return the ballot form and any comments to the ISO/TC 211 secretariat. Liaison members are invited to submit comments and nominate experts. 08. Due date: 2007-04-30 14. Number of pages: 41 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 02. Document date: 2007-01-22 03. Replaces: 1943 04. ISO ref. no. 19101-2 05. Title: 2. Draft Technical Specification 19101-2 Geographic information - Reference model – Part 2: Imagery 07. Expected action: P-members are asked to please return their vote on this draft Technical Specification to the secretariat no later than 2007-04-22. Liaison members are invited to submit comments. 08. Due date: 2007-04-22 14. Number of pages: 94 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2150 02. Document date: 2007-01-23 05. Title: Document list ISO/TC 211 N 2101 - N 2150 06. Source: ISO/TC 211 Secretariat 07. Expected action: For information 09. Type of document: Document list 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/opendoc/211n2150/ 14. Number of pages: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2151 02. Document date: 2007-01-25 05. Title: CD 19118, Geographic information - Encoding, revision of ISO 19118:2005 07. Expected action: P-members are asked to please return their vote on this committee draft to the secretariat no later than 2007-04-25. Liaison members are invited to submit comments 08. Due date: 2007-04-25 14. Number of pages: 74 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: N 2140 02. Document date: 2007-01-09 05. Title: Draft summary and presentations from the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006-11-14/15 06. Source: ISO/TC 211 Secretariat 07. Expected action: For information 09. Type of document: Minutes 10. Meeting date/location: 2006-11-14/15, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2140/ 13. Reference: N 2116 (resolutions) 14. Number of pages: 16 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: N 2141 02. Document date: 2007-01-09 05. Title: SC 34 NP for Technical Report - Information Technology - Topic Maps - Expressing Dublin Core Metadata using Topic Maps 06. Source: ISO/IEC JTC 1 07. Expected action: For information 09. Type of document: New work item other committee 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2141/ 14. Number of pages: 12 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: N 2142 02. Document date: 2007-01-09 04. ISO ref. no. 19104 05. Title: ISO/TC 211 Terminology spread sheet, edition 13 11. Note: In addition to this file, the document consists of two Excel files containing terms and definitions from the ISO/TC 211 standards and drafts. Project leaders/editors of the ISO/TC 211 projects shall use this information in their work, to obtain harmonized terms and definitions within the ISO/TC 211 work programme. -Users should note that an additional column has been added to the spreadsheet. The column contains a code signifying the TMG's intention to propose an amendment to a record. The code complements the current color- coding of records and is further explained in the information document. 14. Number of pages: 6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: N 2143 02. Document date: 2007-01-10 05. Title: CD 19143, Geographic information - Filter encoding 07. Expected action: P-members are asked to please return their vote on this committee draft to the secretariat no later than 2007-04-10. Liaison members are invited to submit comments. 08. Due date: 2007-04-10 14. Number of pages: 58 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2137 02. Document date: 2007-01-05 05. Title: ISO/CD 17572-1 Intelligent Transport System (ITS) — Location Referencing for Geographic Databases — Part 1: General Requirements and Conceptual Model 06. Source: ISO/TC 204 07. Expected action: For information. If any of the members have comments to this draft, please forward this directly to Dr. Jinsoo You, jsyou@willow-tree.net no later than 2007-02-08. 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2137/ 14. Number of pages: 36 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2130 02. Document date: 2006-12-11 05. Title: Business plan ISO/TC 223 Societal Security 06. Source: ISO/TC 223 07. Expected action: For information 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2130/ 14. Number of pages: 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2131 02. Document date: 2006-12-20 05. Title: Text for ISO/TS 19137 Geographic information – Core profile of the spatial schema, as sent to ISO for publication 07. Expected action: For information 11. Note: This draft will be checked by ISO before being issued as a International Standard 14. Number of pages: 21 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2119 02. Document date: 2006-11-24 05. Title: Minutes of the TC 211/WG 6 Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006-11-12 06. Source: ISO/TC 211/WG 6 Acting convenor, Dr. Mohamed Habbane 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2119/ 14. Number of pages: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2120 02. Document date: 2006-11-28 05. Title: TMB communiqué No. 27 November 2006 06. Source: ISO Central Secretariat 07. Expected action: For information 09. Type of document: Information from ISO 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2120/ 14. Number of pages: 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2116 02. Document date: 2006-11-15 05. Title: Resolutions from the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006-11-14/15 06. Source: ISO/TC 211 plenary 07. Expected action: For information 10. Meeting date/location: 2006-11-14/15, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/opendoc/211n2116/ 14. Number of pages: 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2117 02. Document date: 2006-11-23 05. Title: Motions from OGC on Catalogue services 06. Source: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. 07. Expected action: For information 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2117/ 14. Number of pages: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2118 02. Document date: 2006-11-23 05. Title: Press release: Environmental data: Commission welcomes agreement on INSPIRE system 06. Source: Dr. Paul Smits, EC Joint Research Centre 07. Expected action: For information 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2118/ 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2115 02. Document date: 2006-11-12 05. Title: Liaison report from the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) to the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Riyadh 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 2006-11-14/15 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2115/ 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2109 02. Document date: 2006-11-09 05. Title: Terms of reference and work plan 2006-07, ISO/TC 211 Focus Group on Data Producers (FGDP) 06. Source: ISO/TC 211/FGDP Convenor, Mr. Iain Greenway 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2109/ 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2110 02. Document date: 2006-11-09 05. Title: Report from the Ad hoc Group on Registry Establishment and Management 06. Source: ISO/TC 211/ Ad hoc group convenor, Professor Hiroshi Imai 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 12. Hyperlink: http://www.isotc211.org/protdoc/211n2110/ 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2113 02. Document date: 2006-11-09 05. Title: Invitation from SAC to hold the 25th ISO/TC 211 plenary in Xi'ian 14. Number of pages: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2095 02. Document date: 2006-11-02 05. Title: Report from the Terminology Maintenance Group to the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Riyadh 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2096 02. Document date: 2006-11-02 05. Title: Liaison report from the International Cartographic Association (ICA) to the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Riyadh 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2097 02. Document date: 2006-11-06 05. Title: Report of ISO/TC 211 Focus Group on Data Producers (FGDP) to the Riyadh Plenary, November 2006 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2098 02. Document date: 2006-11-06 05. Title: Liaison report from the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) to the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Riyadh 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2099 02. Document date: 2006-11-06 05. Title: Liaison report from the EuroSDR to the ISO/TC 211 plenary in Riyadh 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2086 02. Document date: 2006-10-18 05. Title: Report of the secretariat to the 23rd plenary meeting of ISO/TC 211 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2006-11-14/15 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 14. Number of pages: 9 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. Document number: 2082 02. Document date: 2006-10-16 05. Title: ISO/TC 211 and liaison organizations/committees 06. Source: ISO/TC 211 Secretariat 07. Expected action: For information and consideration at the 23rd ISO/TC 211 plenary meeting in Riyadh, 2006-11-14/15. Liaison representatives are needed where this is marked in the list, and nominations are welcome. Please also notify the secretariat if someone shall be removed from the list. 11. Note: The secretariat is noted as representative where no other has been nominated. The objective is to have a nominated representative to all liaison organizations and committees. 14. Number of pages: 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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