
CEN/TC 287 - Találkozó Isprában

Mai postánkból: az MSZT MCS828 menedzsere jóvoltából érkezett a következő hír az MCS tagjainak:
"From: Martin Ford [mailto:martin@gistandards.eu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 11:25 AM
To: Martin Ford
Subject: Announcement: CEN/TC 287 meetings Ispra, Italy. 11 April 2011 to 15 April 2011
First of all a Happy New Year to all of you.
1.       The next meetings are in DG JRC Ispra Italy 11 April 2011 to 15 April 2011
2.       Logistical arrangements will be posted to Livelink and www.gistandards.eu as soon as ready. However, in the meantime, drafts of all documents including agendas and the registration spread sheet will be found in the CEN/TC 287 drop box. If you do wish to have access to this please email the secretary who will then add you.
3.       It is hoped that the meetings will be live online using “go to meetings”. Delegates attending the meetings may also benefit from signing on as they will then see what is happening on their screen.
4.       Bookings are coming in fast and registration as soon as possible will help with the logistics.
5.       Please note that three new work item proposals are out for internal enquiry ballot and a response as soon as possible would be appreciated.
6.       The workshop on the Tuesday will be about “Data Specifications”. This will feed into the WG5 meeting as well as the plenary.
7.       The Hotel Europa has been reserved and can be booked through the secretary. At this stage dates are required to hold the room but later flight details will be needed to arrange transportation.
8.       We have already booked up half the hotel so please let me have your expected arrival date and departure date as soon as possible so that a room can be booked for you. There is no charge for change or cancellation at this stage.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.


CEN/TC 287 Secretary: Martin Ford
Description: Description: strip.jpg
Office: +44 1414 161424 mobile: +44 7588 784993 Fax +44 8721 152674 Skype: gistandards www.gistandards.eu

"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."

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