
ISO Code of Conduct

Postánkból. Rob Steele ISO főtitkár (ISO Central Secretariat, Chemin de la Voie-Creuse 1
P.O. Box 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Tel. +41 22 749 02 17, Fax +41 22 733 34 30, Web www.iso.org) körlevele tanúlságos lehet és felhasználható a honi MSZT  térinformatikai  szabványosítási munkacsoport munkája szempontjából is.
A CEOSS WGISS vezetőségéhez eljuttatott levél a következő:  “I am pleased to send you the new ISO Code of Conduct for technical committees. The Code of Conduct aims to make a positive contribution to ISO work by setting out a Technical Management Board (TMB)-endorsed conduct for participants in ISO technical meetings. This Code of Conduct applies to all those who participate in the ISO standards development process: chairs, secretaries and all experts, including those nominated by organizations in liaison. I ask you to please raise awareness and encourage the implementation of the Code of Conduct within your organizations.
We want to monitor use and implementation of the Code of Conduct, so please send us your feedback to livinglab@iso.org.
 The idea for an ISO Code of Conduct for those participating in technical work came from an ISO change management project called the Living Lab. In the Living Lab, ISO is conducting a full review of the standards development process to make it simpler, faster and better.
 I thank you in advance for your support in ensuring that the new ISO Code of Conduct is upheld by all those who contribute to the development of ISO standards.”

1 comment:

Zoe Hanson said...

Thanks ffor this